Department of Informatics

Department of Informatics

Department of Informatics :

The department of Informatics is a dynamic department that focuses on relationship people have with technology and what it really means in shapping the way people/society work and share in this digital age. The department manages two Diploma programs and one Certificate program; Diploma in information technology and another one is Diploma in Health Informatics and the a certificate in information technology. The department also helps in shaping and nurturing technological research for innovative purposes and we expect a lot of break-through innovations. Below are the programmes

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of this program students should be able to;

  • Write a computer program using Python and programming.
  • Develop a website of through the knowledge they have accumulated.
  • Troubleshoot any information technology related problems for organizations, institutions and small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
  • Monitor ,write and evaluate policies and procedures related to Health Informatics.
  • Think critically about the use and interpretation of data.
  • Analyze the management of health information systems.
  • Explain the importance of risk management principles.
  • Communicate effectively with both health and IT professionals.
  • Discuss and apply procedures to assure the privacy and security of individual health information
Diploma in Information Technology.
Diploma in Health Informatics
Diploma in Records & Information Science
Certificate in Information Technology.
Certificate in Records & Archive Management
IT / Computer Basics
Web Designing
IT Essentials

Diploma in Information Technology (DIT)

  • To train students the techniques of programming and online marketing so as to be innovative.
  • To promote information technology human resource in the region and the neighboring countries.
  • To provide information technology support to the communities through training and learning.

Diploma in Health Informatics (DHI)

  • To nurture students who will handle and use patient data professionally.
  • To introduce students the skills of data analysis for purposes of decision making in the health sector.
  • To teach students how health processes and how information is handled using health care information systems.
  • To equip students with the skill in developing and managing health information.

Diploma in Record and Information Science(RIS)

  • To introduce learners to the concepts of designing information systems to provide services.
  • To inculcate students with the skill to manage records and information resources.
  • To teach learners how to use information technologies in library and in records management.

Certificate in Information Technology

  • To introduce students to the new techniques of IT innovations.
  • To introduce students to the skills required in employment today
  • To teach programming skills.
  • Certificate in Records and Archive Management

    • To nurture students on the best ways of keeping records
    • To introduce students to cataloging techniques
    • To teach students the record archiving methods and management

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